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Ashgrove Primary School, Ashgrove Road Newtonabbey


2016/2017 School Year

16th Jun 2017
As part of brown money week we went to Helen and Alan's to spend five pennies each....
15th Jun 2017
We voted on Monday for our 2017-2018 School Councillors.  
15th Jun 2017
Our Ash house got the most house points for this half term.  We had an ice-cream...
13th Jun 2017
Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 had a very successful sports day even with he rain. All the...
13th Jun 2017
Here is our P4 classes singing our Rights Respecting Song - Everyone is Different.
13th Jun 2017
The Foundation Stage had a very successful sports day. All the boys and girls had...
7th Jun 2017
Classes throughout the school enjoyed learning Bible stories from the Old...
6th Jun 2017
Nearly bedtime!!
1st Jun 2017
We worked together to show how our School Mission Statement "Learning, Caring, Growing...
26th May 2017
We have been learning all about milk and what can be made from milk. We know that...