Access Keys:

Ashgrove Primary School, Ashgrove Road Newtonabbey


2016/2017 School Year

28th Jun 2017
A big thank you to the boys and girls of P3D and their families for taking Deefor...
23rd Jun 2017
We had a great time with Caitlin from ZooLab today! We met an African land snail...
22nd Jun 2017
A great day yesterday at the dungeons and waterpark.  Now ready for some serious...
21st Jun 2017
Primary 7 had a busy day yesterday!  We visited Deep Sea World and Edinburgh...
20th Jun 2017
Yesterday evening we had dinner and then out for bowling... Well done Melissa Holbrook...
20th Jun 2017
After a big breakfast we visited Edinburgh Castle and had a guided coach tour of...
19th Jun 2017
We've all had a great day 1, we are all very tired after an early start. Yesterday...
19th Jun 2017
It was a very EARLY start for our P7 trip to Edinburgh, but everyone has arrived...
19th Jun 2017
We were very busy during our Water topic! We had a visit from Dennis to tell us all...
16th Jun 2017
This week is brown money week.  P1 had 5 one penny coins each to spend at the...