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Ashgrove Primary School, Ashgrove Road Newtonabbey

News - P6

2017/2018 School Year

15th Nov 2017
Our P6 pupils travelled to Mosley Mill on Tuesday to attend a Business Masterclass....
15th Nov 2017
A massive thank you to Sustrans and our Active Travel Officer Beverly Gaston for...
13th Nov 2017
Primary 6 pupils working on a symmetry investigation... lots of thinking skills...
13th Nov 2017
Primary 6 pupils who took part in Friday's Harvest Service.

2016/2017 School Year

22nd Jun 2017
A great day yesterday at the dungeons and waterpark.  Now ready for some serious...
19th Jun 2017
It was a very EARLY start for our P7 trip to Edinburgh, but everyone has arrived...
15th Jun 2017
We voted on Monday for our 2017-2018 School Councillors.  
15th Jun 2017
Our Ash house got the most house points for this half term.  We had an ice-cream...
13th Jun 2017
Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 had a very successful sports day even with he rain. All the...